In George Bush's world, as we all heard him bumblingly and stumblingly say the other day, "Money Trumps Peace". So what did he mean by that many wonder?
Well, what he slipped-up and told you was, he will threaten to attack Iran because they are responsible for 170 American deaths in Iraq but the country that is responsible for many times that, Saudi Arabia, is off limits.
Now there's no question that if Iran is behind the deaths of 170 Americans they need to be dealt with harshly, but 170 deaths out of the total of 3,132 deaths in Iraq so far amounts to only 5% of those deaths. So, why aren't we dealing with Saudi Arabia, who we know has been supplying the Sunni insurgents, and who are responsible for the deaths of almost the total of the remaining 3,000 Americans?
Could it be that Bush has a fondness for Saudi Arabia? Is he giving the Saudis another free pass because of their long standing relationship with the Bush family and other big oil interests in the U.S.?
What other explanation could there possibly be? Why hasn't Bush confronted Saudi Arabia, who our intelligence has reported has sent "boxes of cash" by the "truckload" to the Sunni insurgents in Iraq? Money that has been used to build IED's and to purchase "shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles" that have been used to kill far more Americans than the 170 Bush say's the Iranians are responsible for.
And let's never forget that 15 of 19 hijackers that were involved in 9/11 were Saudi Arabian and, of course, Osama bin Laden himself is too.
Yeah, in George Bush's world, "money trumps peace" and unfortunately, it looks fairly obvious that in his world, money trumps the lives of our men and women fighting in Iraq, too.