Saturday, February 17, 2007

Four lousy votes short

Republicans choose Party politics over the troops

WASHINGTON - The Senate gridlocked on the Iraq war in a sharply worded showdown on Saturday as Republicans foiled a Democratic attempt to rebuke President Bush over his deployment of 21,500 additional combat troops.

The vote was 56-34. That was four short of the 60 needed to advance the measure, which is identical to a nonbinding resolution that Democrats pushed through the House on Friday.
It's more than unfortunate that Republicans blocked a resolution that protects our troops from being sent back to Iraq on multiple assignments without the proper rest and ensures that they have the equipment and body armor needed to protect their lives.

But, the American public is finally becoming more aware every day that Republicans care more about their political party than our military so there's not much surprise that they would vote against this resolution.

Here's the text of that Resolution.