Stating this again is like beating a dead horse I know but there are still some who continue to claim that Iraq was a threat and that somehow our blunder of invading them at the tremendous cost to us was still somehow worth it.
Few people remember what Colin Powell said in February of 2001, seven months before the attack on 9/11, and what Condoleezza Rice said just two months before.
Here's the link to a video of what both of them said when they were asked if Iraq was threat.
It's interesting that this is seldom pointed out to the public. I think it leaves very little doubt that we were lied into thinking that Saddam Hussein was a threat since Bush's Secretary of Defense and National Security Advisor admitted as much not long before we needlessly attacked them.
On February 24 2001, Colin Powell said: "He (Saddam Hussein) has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbours."
Powell even boasted that it was the US policy of "containment" [BILL CLINTON] that had effectively disarmed the Iraqi dictator - again the very opposite of what Blair said time and again. On May 15 2001, Powell went further and said that Saddam Hussein had not been able to "build his military back up or to develop weapons of mass destruction" for "the last 10 years". America, he said, had been successful in keeping him "in a box".
Two months later, Condoleezza Rice also described a weak, divided and militarily defenceless Iraq. "Saddam does not control the northern part of the country," she said. "We are able to keep his arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."