Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Blame the military

"... For example, when it became clear that the US did not send enough troops to secure Iraq after the removal of Saddam Hussein, President Bush claimed General Franks, the combatant Commander, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff assured him that we had enough troops to succeed. And during 2005 and 2006, as the violence in Iraq and American casualties increased, the President said that General Casey the Commander in Iraq had not asked for more troops. Of course, Bush never mentioned the fact that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld made it clear to the Generals that they would not get more troops.

... Since Petraeus took command in Baghdad in February 2007 the President has invoked his name over 150 times".
A very pointed piece from Lawrence Korb.

The 'buck' never stops with Bush.

[And, in case you're wondering, Lawrence Korb served as Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration.]