Thursday, April 05, 2007

George Bush killed Private Zeimer

This is the third time that I have written about Pvt. Matthew Zeimer - An 18 year old young man who was killed during his first combat mission after being rushed to Iraq by George Bush without the proper training.

I first wrote about Pvt. Zeimer when he was killed in February. I often read the DOD news releases on U.S. casualties and I immediately noticed that Pvt. Zeimer had been killed at the age of 18. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if there are 18 year olds fighting in Iraq, they could not possibly have gotten the proper training.

The second time I wrote about Pvt. Zeimer was three weeks later when I found out what I suspected in the first place was true. Bush was rushing our troops to Iraq without the proper training and it was because of his policies that our soldiers and marines were being killed.

And now, we learn that Pvt. Zeimer was more than likely killed by 'friendly fire'.

George Bush is now running around the country saying that the Democrats must send him another bill without timetables or 'pork' so that he can 'ensure our soldiers and marines get the proper training. George Bush is a pathetic liar! He couldn't care less about whether our military gets the training they need. Hell, his spokesman, Tony Snow, thinks we should just rush our 18 year olds over to Iraq and let them get their desert training 'on the job' in the deserts of Iraq.

Like I said, Bush couldn't care less about Pvt. Matthew Zeimer and the rest of our troops serving in Iraq. It's NOT him or Republicans who are now insisting that soldiers and marines NOT be sent to Iraq without the proper training or equipment - That's Democrats like John Murtha, John Kerry and James Webb who are now insisting on it.

Wipe your hands, Bush. You have plenty of blood on them no matter how you try to spin it onto Democrats.

Informed people know this.