Friday, April 06, 2007

Indiana outdoor market massacre

8 U.S. soldiers killed
4 British troops killed
U.S. helicopter shot down

The U.S. military reported Thursday that eight U.S. soldiers were killed in the Baghdad area over the past three days as militants fought back against a security plan in its eighth week. An Army helicopter went down south of the capital, wounding four, after an Iraqi official said insurgents fired on it.

Four British soldiers - including two women - died Thursday in an ambush that Prime Minister Tony Blair called an "act of terrorism," suggesting it may have been carried out by elements linked to Iran but stopping short of blaming Tehran.
One of John McCain's sidekicks in last week's staged photo-op in Baghdad with 100 special forces and 5 attack helicopters protecting their every move, was Indiana Republican congressman, Mike Pence.

Pence, who undoubtedly has just about as much integrity as Mr. Straight Talk, said of the totally sealed and locked-down Baghdad market they visited, it was, "like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime."

If I were the people of Indiana, I would stay away from that market.