Friday, April 06, 2007

Why is Olmert lying about Pelosi?

Ehud Olmert's office denied that Israel relayed a message to Syria via Nancy Pelosi accepting Syrian calls to renew peace negotiations.
Why is Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert now lying about what he and Nancy Pelosi talked about when they met last Sunday?

Here's what Olmert's spokeswoman said after their meeting;
"Pelosi is conveying that Israel is willing to talk if they (Syria) would openly take steps to stop supporting terrorism," Olmert's spokeswoman Miri Eisin said.
Olmert obviously is a lot like George W. Bush. He's a miserable failure, his popularity is almost as low as Bush's and it looks like he's just about as big of a liar as Bush.

But why would Olmert blatantly lie even after he had already made it known that he and Pelosi had the same conversation that she said they had? Evidently he's as dumb as George Bush, too.

(h/t thru Joe Conason and Salon)