Thursday, April 05, 2007

The 'pork' rage hypocrites

"While President Bush has focused much of his opposition to the Iraq redeployment on the earmarks attached to it, the Washington Post reports, “such spending has been part of Iraq funding bills since the war began, sometimes inserted by the president himself, sometimes added by lawmakers with bipartisan aplomb.” (TP)

Republicans, who while in control of Congress, and with Bush the Bankrupter in the White House, gave this country five consecutive years of record breaking pork-barrel spending to go along with Bush's record shattering budget and trade deficits, are now whining about Democrats adding spending for military training and healthcare, Katrina and farmers.

These Republicans wouldn't be lying hypocrites, now would they?

Nah, Congressional Republicans and George Bush, himself, would never have added any 'pork' to a war funding bill.

- Bush last year included in a emergency war spending bill - $20 billion for Gulf Coast hurricane recovery, $2.3 billion for bird flu preparations, and $2 billion to fortify the border with Mexico and pay for his effort to send National Guardsmen to the southern frontier.

-The Republican-controlled Senate in 2006 added to war funding, $176 million to rebuild an Armed Forces retirement home in Mississippi that critics called absurdly overpriced. $500 million for agriculture relief, an extra $1 billion for community-development block grants, and $118 million for reviving the Gulf Coast fishing industry.

-The 2005 emergency war-spending bill included $70 million for aid to Ukraine and other former Soviet states; $12.3 million for the Architect of the Capitol, in part to build an off-site delivery facility for the Capitol police; $24 million for the Forest Service to repair flood and landslide damage; and $104 million for watershed protection -- the lion's share meant for repairing the damage to waterways in Washington County, Utah, at the request of the state's Republican senators.
Bush, Congressional Republicans and all wingnuts need to shut up about the Democrats adding billions that goes for military training and equipment, Katrina victims and farmers who are in need.

If you loudmouth wingnuts didn't complain when your guys were doing it, shut the fuck up!