Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snowjob answers-Troops can do OJT

"Well," Snow suggested, "but they can get desert training elsewhere, like in Iraq."

At Wednesday afternoon's White House press briefing, Press Secretary Tony Snow was asked about an Associated Press report about two Army units forced to skip "desert training" to accomodate President Bush's "new" strategy to escalate the number of troops in Iraq. The White House spokesman suggested that troops "rushed" to the battlefield can "also do training in theater."
You have to give it to this administration. They can sure bob and weave when cornered. But that doesn't make them any less the liars!

As you learned in my previous post, the lack of training, the crucial desert and insurgency training needed, is resulting in real deaths.

Ask the Zeimer, or the Sieger families if they think the training for their kids got done once they 'got to Iraq'.

Ask them if they ever thought their sons would be 'rushed' to Iraq without the proper training the recruiter promised them - only to die on their first day of combat.

And why? Because the chickenhawk Commander-in-Chief, and his bigger chickenhawk VP, are all of a sudden in a big hurry to save face, and to attempt to salvage their legacies.

Somebody should ask the Zeimers and Siegers.

Did their sons get that training, Tony?

You know they didn't. And you don't give a shit.