Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's really become way too easy to make teabagging wingnuts look like fools
 "We Got Played"

When you act like sheep - Drudge, Limbaugh, Hannity, Dobbs - you get 'played' like sheep.
There is no such thing as an 'Obama phone'

There is a 'Reagan phone' and a 'Bush phone', though

Twice today, once on the radio and the other on a Fox website comment section, I've heard and read the term 'Obama phone'.  There is no such thing.  The subsidized phone program began in 1984 under Ronald Reagan and in 2008, George W. Bush expanded the program to include cell phones. Obama has nothing to do with it.

If you're going to call that program anything and you have even a shred of integrity, you would rightly call it what it is; a 'Reagan phone' if it's a land line and a 'Bush phone' if it's a cell phone.

Of course, it involves integrity and that's a missing gene in wingnuts.
Geez, I wonder why that is

"Olive Garden promises cheaper food, more options"

It has nothing to do with their menu.
What a country!

"The reason is, that's freedom, freedom of speech. In America you have a right to be stupid - if you want to be." - Secretary of State, John Kerry

If you didn't have a right to be stupid, there would be no Teabaggers. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nothing 'low-information' about that
"Congressional Republicans' handling of federal spending is broadly disliked by the public, with President Obama's actions disapproved of by a smaller margin... According to the poll, 26 percent of Americans approve and 67 percent disapprove of the GOP's approach to spending."
You can blame the 'lamestream media' all you want but the fact of the matter is, most people are smart enough to know who brought this country down economically. Well, the truly informed people, anyway.

Teabaggers wish Americans were 'low information'. They get elected when the people are ignorant of the facts.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our Secretary of Defense is an enlisted man!

And, get the fuck over it!

And I have two other words for those who say he's unqualified; Donald Rumsfeld!
Well dumbass, she did

"Laura Bush would never at any time have introduced any award."

Laura Bush did participate at the 2002 Oscars. But, that's okay...the Fox sheep can't get any more ignorant than they already are.
Damn Barack, you have to get going on those executive orders

On the way to work this morning I heard a history professor from Hillsdale College on Bill Bennett's radio show whining about Barack Obama's 'historically excessive' amount of executive orders and I thought to myself, is this idiot really a college professor.

Come on man, how hard is it to Google 'executive orders'?

There is no wonder why Hillsdale offers a free course on the Constitution; who besides an ignorant teabagger would pay for such lame-ass idiocy?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Get used to it, Pigboy

'The Left Has Beaten Us'

The 'Right' is running out of sheep.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How about the whole, fucked-up country?
Image: Hamid Karzai
"Karzai expels US special forces from key province"

Fuck Karzai. Pull out tomorrow and we'll see how long that wimp lasts.
You're right, Senator..but, you're late
This morning on FNS

"The federal budget has doubled over the last 10 years"

When George W. Bush took office with the Republican dominated Senate and House of Representatives led by men like Tom Coburn, federal spending was $1.9 trillion. Bush's last budget had $3.5 trillion in spending, although a little less than $200 billion of that was the first installment of Barack Obama's 'Stimulus', so spending under Bush and Tom Coburn increased from $1.9 trillion to $3.3 trillion.

Federal spending this year is projected to be $3.8 trillion.  That's exactly double since Bill Clinton left office.  George W. Bush and Tom Coburn 'own' $1.4 trillion of that and Barack Obama - after having to deal with the shit sandwich he was handed to by Bush and Coburn - owns $500 billion.

So, federal spending hasn't doubled in '10 years'.  It took 12 years...and a whole lot of Republicans like Tom Coburn and George W. Bush, to do it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

So, do they get two votes?

"Montana Bill Would Give Corporations The Right To Vote"
Provision for vote by corporate property owner. (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a firm, partnership, company, or corporation owns real property within the municipality, the president, vice president, secretary, or other designee of the entity is eligible to vote in a municipal election as provided in [section 1].
Will they vote at work or at home, or both?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Editorials don't get any better - or more correct - than that
Damn, that hateful, ugly son-of-a-bitch is another Joe McCarthy!

Ted Cruz Claims He Has A List Of Communists Who Have Infiltrated Harvard Law

Come on man, talk like that is grounds for termination and I don't mean at the ballot box. No Nazis in American politics allowed!
That's it! I've had it!

'Obama to give Ohio State commencement speech'

I've had it with Obama! He gave the Bush criminals a pass on the Iraq war crimes, he didn't listen to Joe Biden on Afghanistan, and he caved on single-payer, Medicare for all, but goddamnit, you're now going to speak at Ohio State??!!?? What the fuck is a Buckeye?
Stewart exposes the real John McCain who couldn't fucking care less about 'four dead Americans'
That video not only suits John McCain but all the fucking teabaggers who now whine about Benghazi but said absolutely nothing when 4,500 Americans died needlessly in Iraq because they didn't give a damn.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Now, that was a good one
I was watching NBC Nightly News tonight and they had a segment about movies this year that are pitching themselves as fact but have a little fiction or misrepresentation of facts in them. They brought up Argo, Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty.  And of course, with Zero Dark Thirty they talked about the torture scene and whether it - eight years later - led to the successful execution of Osama bin Laden.  Whenever I hear something about the Bush/Cheney torture policy I can't help but to bust out laughing.

George W. Bush tried to defend waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by claiming doing it prevented the attack on the Library Tower building in Los Angeles.  The problem with that doozy?  The Library Tower plot was broken up in February 2002 and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed wasn't captured until March 2003.

That was hilarious!  But pathetic.  I forget...did we have a congressional hearing when that lie was exposed?
The right move, Tebow

"Tim Tebow cancels appearance at controversial Dallas church"

How hard is it to cancel an appearance at a church whose pastor called the Roman Catholic Church, "the genius of Satan" and "corrupted" by cults?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I thought that dumbass was dead

Breitbart falls for the 'Friends of Hamas' parody

Boy, teabaggers are dumb and gullible.
But he's a socialist? Obama Golf

'Obama Golfed With Oil Execs As Climate Protesters Marched On D.C.'
How do you know the 'sequestration' wasn't Barack Obama's idea?

Because more than 70% of Republicans voted for it.  Watch when it starts working and spending goes down.  Every teabagger in the country will say it was their idea.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Absolutely Priceless Supreme Court Takes Campaign Finance Case, Will Rule On Contribution Limits

When you have those five unabashed corporate fascists on your side, you can take it to the fucking bank!
I know of a good assignment for some of our drones
Chinese Army Unit Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.

An overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American companies and government agencies start in a building on the edge of Shanghai, say American intelligence officials and cybersecurity experts.
That's an act of war, pure and simple.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Which Congress is that?
"The FAA, which has a September 2015 deadline from Congress to open the nation's airspace to drone traffic, has estimated 10,000 drones could be aloft five years later."
Oh really? We'll see who takes credit for that since it's coming out of the Teabagger House of Representatives.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

If it's Sunday, I have that bitter, hateful old dumbass on my TV

At what point do we start hearing from some people who have gotten it right?

Friday, February 15, 2013

But wait, that's only like 4%

Cornel West: Obama is a ‘war criminal’ who has killed ‘over 200 children’

"...The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports that up to 216 children have died in three countries the U.S. is not formally at war with — Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia — as a result of suspected U.S. drone strikes starting in 2002 and dramatically escalating during Obama’s first term. Out of an estimated 451 total drone strikes during that period, over 300 were ordered by Obama against Pakistanis alone. The Bureau estimates that up to 4,643 people in all have been killed by drone strikes in those three countries."
There have been 4,643 deaths from drone strikes and only 216 have been children? That's only 4%, a percentage so low that it tells you clearly that we don't target civilians. 'Civilian' populations would have a far higher percentage of children and drone strikes don't pick out just the adults.

Any 'child' killed is too many. ...We didn't start this war. But it is time to end it. We've killed enough of the real al-Qaeda - those who were in on 9/11 - well unfortunately, except for al-Zawahiri. We should never stop trying to kill him.

But really Cornel, what would you call a neighborhood that's 4,427 adults and 216 'children'? ...We didn't start this war - I'll go along with ending it. But 4%?  No, I'm just not feeling it like My Lai, brother.
John McCain: "I'm opposing Hagel because he made me look like an idiot on Iraq"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

When ignorant Teabaggers don't know simple math

"OOPS: GOP Rep. Inadvertently Makes The Case For Nearly Doubling The Minimum Wage"

That's a common trait among teabagging wingnuts; Just let them keep talking and they eventually make your case for you.

(For you simple-minded teabaggers reading this, $2.15 in 1969 is worth between $13-$14 an hour in today's dollars.  Get out your calculators.)
Pigboy is either really stupid or just herding the sheep

Limbaugh: Obama's "Recovery Is Worse Than Bush's Recession"

I will give the Pedophile Pigboy credit for at least correctly calling it the 'Bush Recession'. But, if that drug-addicted idiot doesn't know the difference between an economy that had 8.9% negative growth and was hemorrhaging 780,000 jobs a month to an economy that's had positive job growth for 35 consecutive months, than it is no wonder why his dittoheads are the most misinformed fools in America.

Stupid just loves stupid.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Whenever you want the President to look good...
...Just bring out some little twerp who is in way over his head and whose biggest claim to fame turned out to be a ruse. Is that the best that wingnuts have?

UPDATE: Boy, I can't wait until this corrupt little flea bag runs for president.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Take no prisoners!

Dorner cornered like a rat

Don't even bother taking that motherfucker alive.  He isn't worth the time or the resources.
He's the perfect Teabagger
Ted Nugent to attend State of the Union
If you had to pick a person that best represents the rightwing teabaggers in this country you couldn't pick a better chickenhawk punk than Ted Nugent.
"I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap no water...Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants, poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up..."
Yep, Ted Nugent represents the rightwing in this country very well. Talk a lot shit, act like you're really tough.  But, all of the rest of us know how they really are when the tough times come along...Nice SOTU guest, assholes.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Nation of Gratitude

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama Bin Laden Reportedly Left Uninsured After Leaving Service

Makes you want to slap somebody.
Republicans continue to whine about the Republican 'Sequestration'

It's a lot like the budget deficit and debt. Teabaggers cry and whimper about it all the time but it was them putting George W. Bush and an all Republican Congress in charge of the treasury that gave it to us.

Now they're whining like crybabies about 'sequestration' and if it wasn't for them, it wouldn't be an issue. But, what do you expect from teabagging sheep?

Saturday, February 09, 2013

My car's here somewhere
Cars buried in snow lined the street on Beacon Hill in Boston
That would suck. 
Damn, Gump is an artist!
george w. bush painting
"W. paints! Who would have thought it? Thanks to a hacker known as Guccifer who wormed into the computer of the 43rd president’s sister, the world has learned that George W. Bush is an amateur – I would say serious amateur – painter."

Thursday, February 07, 2013

I just don't fucking get it

"Brennan to Face Questions on Targeted Killings"

Those 'targets' were the actual planners of 9/11. Can you even imagine what the Republicans would be saying if they found out Obama ordered Brennan NOT to kill them?  Now we have all these teabaggers whining about dead al-Qaeda.  Fucking shameless sheep.

UPDATE: No shit, Sherlock!
I just watched Republican Senator, Susan Collins, whine to Brennan that, 'in Obama's first two years he had more drone strike kills than Bush did in eight years".  No shit, Senator.  We who have paid attention have been telling you dumbasses that for four years.  No shit.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

So what, they're not working anyway

"Blacks, Hispanics Waited Almost Twice As Long To Vote As Whites In 2012"

Hey, at least they got to vote...
Why are we even debating that?

"Memo Cites Legal Basis for Killing U.S. Citizens in Al Qaeda"

We don't have to ask permission to kill al-Qaeda, regardless of their nationality. You hang out with them and odds are good that you're going to die.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Murdered by one of our own Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle shot to death at firing range

Friday, February 01, 2013

But wait a minute, I thought Obama cooked the books???
"...But the report had a lot of good news as well. Last month was revised higher, from 155K to 196K.

And November was revised even higher, from 161K to 247K!"
There were actually a 127,000 more jobs created the last two months than initially reported? That doesn't jive with the haters' narrative that Obama and the BLS are cooking the books. What a surprise.
Chuck, you should have asked
Chuck Hagel John Mccain
Chuck Hagel was right about 'the Surge' in Iraq and he shouldn't have backed away from John McCain's questioning on it.  We lost another 1,500 Americans and wasted another trillion after that historical blunder.

But, what Hagel should have said to McCain when he kept asking whether his remarks about it being such a blunder were correct was, John, nobody in the Senate was more wrong on Iraq than you.  Senator McCain, were you right when you said three weeks into the invasion that, “It’s clear that the end is very much in sight”?  And, were you right when you said a year later, “I’m confident we’re on the right course”?

I know Hagel was supposed to play nice but he didn't need to play stupid when questioned by such losers as McCain and Lindsey Graham when it came to Iraq. Besides maybe Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice, no one was more wrong on Iraq than those two assholes.