Friday, February 01, 2013

Chuck, you should have asked
Chuck Hagel John Mccain
Chuck Hagel was right about 'the Surge' in Iraq and he shouldn't have backed away from John McCain's questioning on it.  We lost another 1,500 Americans and wasted another trillion after that historical blunder.

But, what Hagel should have said to McCain when he kept asking whether his remarks about it being such a blunder were correct was, John, nobody in the Senate was more wrong on Iraq than you.  Senator McCain, were you right when you said three weeks into the invasion that, “It’s clear that the end is very much in sight”?  And, were you right when you said a year later, “I’m confident we’re on the right course”?

I know Hagel was supposed to play nice but he didn't need to play stupid when questioned by such losers as McCain and Lindsey Graham when it came to Iraq. Besides maybe Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice, no one was more wrong on Iraq than those two assholes.