Friday, February 15, 2013

But wait, that's only like 4%

Cornel West: Obama is a ‘war criminal’ who has killed ‘over 200 children’

"...The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports that up to 216 children have died in three countries the U.S. is not formally at war with — Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia — as a result of suspected U.S. drone strikes starting in 2002 and dramatically escalating during Obama’s first term. Out of an estimated 451 total drone strikes during that period, over 300 were ordered by Obama against Pakistanis alone. The Bureau estimates that up to 4,643 people in all have been killed by drone strikes in those three countries."
There have been 4,643 deaths from drone strikes and only 216 have been children? That's only 4%, a percentage so low that it tells you clearly that we don't target civilians. 'Civilian' populations would have a far higher percentage of children and drone strikes don't pick out just the adults.

Any 'child' killed is too many. ...We didn't start this war. But it is time to end it. We've killed enough of the real al-Qaeda - those who were in on 9/11 - well unfortunately, except for al-Zawahiri. We should never stop trying to kill him.

But really Cornel, what would you call a neighborhood that's 4,427 adults and 216 'children'? ...We didn't start this war - I'll go along with ending it. But 4%?  No, I'm just not feeling it like My Lai, brother.