Sunday, February 24, 2013

You're right, Senator..but, you're late
This morning on FNS

"The federal budget has doubled over the last 10 years"

When George W. Bush took office with the Republican dominated Senate and House of Representatives led by men like Tom Coburn, federal spending was $1.9 trillion. Bush's last budget had $3.5 trillion in spending, although a little less than $200 billion of that was the first installment of Barack Obama's 'Stimulus', so spending under Bush and Tom Coburn increased from $1.9 trillion to $3.3 trillion.

Federal spending this year is projected to be $3.8 trillion.  That's exactly double since Bill Clinton left office.  George W. Bush and Tom Coburn 'own' $1.4 trillion of that and Barack Obama - after having to deal with the shit sandwich he was handed to by Bush and Coburn - owns $500 billion.

So, federal spending hasn't doubled in '10 years'.  It took 12 years...and a whole lot of Republicans like Tom Coburn and George W. Bush, to do it.