You're kidding, when did the government start doing that?
Wingnuts suddenly care about phone surveillance
Damn, can you believe this government is tracking our phone calls? Did you happen to catch the reactions from Drudge, Fox News, Beck and Limbaugh today on the horror of how much privacy we've lost with this current administration? Did you also happen to catch the response today of all the REPUBLICANS in Congress who came out and defended the administration? Why do you think that is? Well, it's quite simple; it's the Republicans who gave us the law and the Obama administration has briefed them on it every step of the way.
And one more thing; for those ass-clowns on hate radio who now claim that Barack Obama somehow doubled-crossed liberals because he didn't end Bush's surveillance policies. No, we weren't. We actually remember his position on that and called him out on it at the time. We're not brain-damaged from hillbilly heroin.