Monday, August 06, 2007

You want your Constitutional rights protected?

The Democratic controlled Congress caved in on Bush's move to 'update' the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.

I've heard it described as Democrats, 'rolled over', 'caved in', and 'whimped out', but by far the biggest distortion of this story came from John Gibson who on Fox News said, 'a majority of Democrats' voted for it.

Well, that's Fox News' take on what happened but, just as multiple studies have shown, people who watch Fox News are the most uninformed in the country, so I'll give you the facts;

The vote in the House was, 227-183. Of the 222 Democrats who voted, 181, or 82% of them, voted 'no'.

The vote in the Senate was 60-28. Of the 44 Democrats who voted, 28, or 64% of them, voted 'no'.

Combined in both Houses, 79% of the Democrats voted 'no'.

Twenty-one percent is not a majority even on Faux News.

It's a very sad day in this country when the opposition party votes nearly unanimously - two Republicans, Johnson from Illinois and Jones from North Carolina, voted 'no' - against our Constitution because they're scared.

Never in the history of this country has Benjamin Franklin's quote, "Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security", been more pertinent.

We need more Democrats and a helluva lot less Republicans!