Monday, November 14, 2011

Listening to lying fools

I got home early today and I'm watching Pat Cavuto interview Dick Armey and Armey says that the Republicans on the 'Super-committee' have offered $700 billion in spending cuts (over 10 years) and $500 billion in additional revenue and that will be done by reducing tax rates on the upper income earners and therefore, growing the economy.

Look, if that was the case we would still be back in the days of Bill Clinton and 4% unemployment.  NEVER has revenue increased by lowering tax rates.  Never.

And don't say it happened under Reagan either.  Reagan not only gave us the biggest tax increase in history but raised taxes on the middle class 10 more times.  George W. Bush did it and we're still paying heavily for it.

Shut-up Armey!  That nonsense doesn't work.  It never has.