Friday, February 04, 2011

Ronald Reagan the Myth
"Meanwhile, following that initial tax cut, Reagan actually ended up raising taxes - eleven times. That's according to former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson, a longtime Reagan friend..."
Sure, Reagan cut taxes drastically for the top income earners. He immediately cut the top tax rate of 70% to 28% but then he realized he was bankrupting the country so he screwed the middle class by taxing Social Security and doubling the gas tax. Who do those taxes most effect?

I have to laugh when I hear the wingnut teabaggers getting all fired up for Reagan's 100th birthday. Big fiscal conservative hero...LMFAO! More than tripled our nation's debt and raised taxes 11 times. Yeah, that's their boy alright.

And even funnier; we have some of the revisionist haters asking; 'Egypt: WWRD'?  Well, what would Reagan do?  If he handled it like he did Iran, he'd wait until they murdered a couple hundred of our Marines in Beirut and then he'd sell them a few thousand HAWK missiles.

Reagan is a myth.  He should have been tried for treason.  He sold missiles to the same Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists who had bombed our barracks in Beirut and had no problem doing it.  

Tell me, what do you think would happen if Obama was caught secretly supplying Al-Qaeda missiles?

Addendum:  And the funniest of all?  The Pedophile Pigboy drug addict is still lying to his ditto-head sheep about it.  I didn't know Limbaugh let people who speak the truth talk on his hate radio show.   And boy, Pigboy sure mumbles and stumbles a lot when someone hits him with the facts, doesn't he?   Got his fatass kicked.