Thursday, February 03, 2011

It comes down to a Kennedy
Senate Democrats defeat health care repeal
We ought to do the right thing and ask the High Court Anthony Kennedy to rule quickly so we don’t keep arguing over this for the next several years.”
We all know how this is going to go; Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan rule constitutionally that of course the federal government can regulate commerce and frankly, the Court really has no business overturning a law that has passed both Houses of Congress and been signed by the President. There are instructions on that.

So we have four Justices that rule constitutionally and then you have the other four rightwing fascists; Roberts, Scalia, Thomas and Alito ruling for the Koch brothers, the lobbyists and their corporate masters. There are instructions somewhere on that too.

And then you have number 9 - Mr. Tie-Breaker, the most powerful individual in America, Anthony Kennedy.  Now this isn't your father's Kennedy.  In fact, he rules with the fascists more times than not, and it certainly points out what a screwed up system we have when one man can overrule both Houses of Congress and a President who got 67 69 million votes.