Saturday, October 08, 2011

Occupy Wall Street is the authentic 'Tea Party' protest

The 'teabaggers', the phony-conservatives who are nothing but corporate shills funded by the Koch brothers and corporate puppets like Dick Armey of Freedomworks have never been a grass roots movement. They are actually the polar opposite of what the original Boston Tea Party patriots were. They are far more representative of the British East Indies Company than the patriots of Boston who protested in 1773 against corporations and not for them. The teabaggers are without question the Tories of today.

Formed in February 2009 - a mere month after Barack Obama took office - the phony-patriot teabaggers' initial rallying cry was T-E-A, which stood for, 'taxed enough already' and that came in the year that taxes were the lowest they had been in 60 years!  How much more proof do you need to identify a racist, hateful and corporate driven movement than that?  None, unless you're one of the haters who ignorantly protested taxes at their lowest level and who hates democracy and refused to recognize an election that was won by a 10 million vote landslide.

Just as the original Boston Tea Party, those now protesting on Wall Street are protesting corporate wrong doing and are not corporate funded, astroturf sore losers who are bussed in by corporations.  In fact, they are refusing any support from the corporate shills.

Agree with them or not, there is no question that the 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters are far more like the original Boston Tea Party patriots than the phony-conservative, corporate-funded, democracy-hating puppets who sheepishly answer to Dick Armey, the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch brothers.  Anyone who knows the truth about history is well aware of that.