Monday, September 05, 2011

While teabagging blowhards flip pancakes and talk shit
ISLAMABAD -- Pakistani intelligence officers working with the CIA arrested three members of Al Qaeda including a top operative believed to have been tasked by Usama bin Laden with targeting American economic interests around the world, Pakistan's army said Monday.
This administration continues to kick al-Qaeda's ass!

Of course, that's what they said they would do during their campaign four years ago. Promise kept.
FLASHBACK: "US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Peter Pace have indicated that the US will not launch direct military strikes at suspected al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan’s tribal region.The two officials told the Senate Appropriations Committee that the US sought no direct role in Pakistan’s northern region where US officials had noticed a rise in al-Qaeda activity."
A 'flashback' to a time when Republicans talked trash. That's what they do best.