Sunday, September 04, 2011

America's Biggest Chickenhawk
"It was a great career...I got to spend a lot of time with the military"

When it come to the military, there has been no bigger Chickenhawk in the history of the United States than Dick Cheney.  Ted Nugent comes very close but Dickhead obviously wins out because of his direct complicity in the needless deaths of 4,500 Americans in Iraq.  He didn't just talk shit like Nugent.  He actually killed our sons and daughters.

Cheney was a wonderful cheerleader for our young to die in his trumped-up, phony-invasion and occupation of Iraq.  I listened to him on Fox News Sunday this morning admit how he was always urging Bush to attack Syria, Iran or North Korea.  Amazingly uncaring, despicable and a disgrace to our country.

When it was Dick Cheney's turn to serve, he got five deferments. When he was later asked why he is such a warmonger but never served he replied, '"I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."  He didn't include a chapter on that in his new book.

But he's still a hero to the haters.  And Chickenhawks.