Sunday, September 25, 2011

I assume you're older than eleven?

"She told the audience that the next presidential election will be "the most important ... in our lifetimes."

That beaut, Republican congresswoman, Candice Miller from our great state of Michigan, can only wish that you are too stupid and believe that.

Like most Teabagging fools, she's about 11 years late on that one.  The most important election in all of our lifetimes - those older than eleven anyway - was by far 2000. No President has ever started with so much and left this country with so little, than George W. Bush.

He took a projected 2009 $710 billion surplus and turned it into his $1.2 trillion deficit. Over his eight years in office Bush gave us his historic '$12 trillion turnaround'.  He began his presidency with a 4.2% unemployment rate and left us with a 7.8% unemployment rate and an economy that was hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month and with a negative -8.9% growth rate!

I don't even have to bring up the Iraq war.

No Candice, we're not all stupid teabaggers suffering amnesia.  The most important election was in 2000 and you and your gang, along with five fascists on the Supreme Court,  fucking blew it!