Thursday, June 30, 2011

And fools wonder why we're broke
"The cost of U.S. military action in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan will run to at least $3.7trillion, a study has revealed today.  ...The staggering figure could reach as high as $4.4trillion, with the deaths of up to 258,000 people, according to research by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies."
I like numbers...I like statistics. And the most staggering statistic of all time is, "in January of 2001, just as President George W. Bush was taking office, the Congressional Budget Office projected that in fiscal year 2009, the federal budget would enjoy a $710 billion surplus." Fiscal year 2009 was George W. Bush's last budget and instead of our '$710 billion SURPLUS' he left us with his record-shattering $1.2 trillion DEFICIT.

Where were all the teabaggers from 2001-2009?   Yeah...right.