Friday, August 19, 2011

When I'm wrong I admit it

Last week when I once again outed the Pigboy for being a lying moron for his lie about Obama "inheriting a 5.7% unemployment rate" from Gump, I called the slimeball out and claimed Obama 'inherited' a 7.6% rate.  I was wrong and when I'm wrong I admit it and correct the record.   Obama actually inherited a 7.8% unemployment rate from Gump, not 7.6%.

I regret the error.  I stand corrected.

And oh yeah, while I'm at it - and you can check this important fact at the Bureau of Labor Statistics chart - you will see that in February 2009 the unemployment rate was already 8.2%.  The 'Stimulus' Bill didn't pass until February 18.  You got that?  That's for the next asshole who whines, "Obama promised if the Stimulus passed unemployment wouldn't go over 8% .. wah..wah.."  Shut-up.   It was already over 8%.