Friday, February 25, 2011

Crackers, Losers and Thugs

That Prick and the crowd laughed
"An audience member at a town hall hosted by Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) on Tuesday asked the Tea Party congressman who was going to shoot President Barack Obama."

Nice Representative you have there, Georgia. You laugh about shooting the President? ...Lowlife inbreds need your asses kicked -again. 

That little weasel came to my town
"Americans won't simply choose a president in 2012, but a future of either impoverishment or prosperity, former George W. Bush aide Karl Rove told a capacity room of Republican faithful fools Wednesday."

My county is 65%-70% Republican so most of them are too fucking stupid to find the irony in Karl Rove coming here to lecture the dumbasses on 'job growth' and 'prosperity'.  He played a huge role in the administration that gave us eight years of negative job growth, stagnant wages and a $1.4 trillion budget deficit.

Little creep should be in prison... and not in Michigan.

The Union-busting Koch Whore
“David Koch”: We’ll back you any way we can. What we were thinking about the crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.
Gov. Scott Walker: You know, well, the only problem with that—because we thought about that…

A governor who has no problem with 'planting troublemakers' among peaceful demonstrators at the very least should be impeached and then indicted.   I'd go along with a good fucking beat-down, too.