According to BLS’ seasonally adjusted figures, there were 111,624,000 people employed in the private sector at the end of February 2001, and 110,961,000 people at the end of January 2009. That’s a decrease of 663,000 jobs.And add to that the number of people the nation grew by during that eight years and it's well into the millions.
Compare that to the 22 million jobs created during Bill Clinton's eight years in office and ask yourself; are you really that stupid that you want to return to the same old, tired and failed Republican policies of the past?
The haters owe her an apology
They gave the lambs only part of the story and they should be embarrassed but they're too ignorant and too hateful to care about what is right.The wife of the white farmer allegedly discriminated against by the USDA’s rural development director for Georgia said Shirley Sherrod “kept us out of bankruptcy.” Eloise Spooner, 82, awoke Tuesday to discover that Sherrod had lost her job after videotaped comments she made in March at a local NAACP banquet surfaced on the web….. But Spooner, who considers Sherrod a “friend for life,” said the federal official worked tirelessly to help the Iron City couple hold onto their land as they faced bankruptcy back in 1986.