Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fox Proves Itself a Liar
'CBO: Jobs Created or 'Saved' by Stimulus Cost $228,055 Each'
"The jobs created and saved by the economic stimulus law that President Barack Obama signed on Feb. 17, 2009 cost at a minimum an average of $228,055 each, according to data released yesterday by the Congressional Budget Office."
I have said many times; Fox has it way too easy. You can imagine how many misinformed idiots are running around today saying the 'CBO reported' that 'each job created by the Stimulus cost $228,055'Fox Nation wrote that and Tucker Carlson repeated it last night on Hannity.  The CBO did NOT report that.  But when your audience is 83.4% mouth-breathers too dumb to know better who cares about facts?  Lies sell better.

The CBO released a report that adjusted the cost of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA or 'Stimulus') to $821 billion and also reported that up to 3.6 million jobs were created or saved because of it.  So what does Fox do?   They divide $821 billion by 3.6 million and report that each job cost $228,055. 

Now, Fox knows that's "bullshit for the gullible".  They know damn well that the original estimate of the size of ARRA was $787 billion, and of that, '$281 billion were tax cuts' and another $198 billion was for 'benefit programs such as unemployment assistance'.  Fox knows that.   They reported exactly that two years ago.

Who needs facts when the flock is too dumb to care?