It was Obama who gave our military what they needed
As I pointed out the other day, when we needed troops in Afghanistan to avenge 9/11, Bush dilly-daddled stupidly in Iraq. It has been Barack Obama who has more than tripled our efforts in the real war on terror and those are the historical and well-documented facts regardless of how hard they try to lie about it now.US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Admiral Mike Mullen
"Just in my tenure here, sir, that General McKiernan specifically had a fairly substantial request for upwards of 20,000 forces, which we couldn't meet because they just weren't there. They were in Iraq. I spoke out very early that Afghanistan had been underresourced and that, from my -- from where I lived, the heart of that was underresourced with military forces. We didn't have them, because they were pushed to Iraq."
'Listen to the military men'? When Gen. Eric Shinseki testified before invading Iraq that we needed several hundred thousand troops for our infamous invasion, Bush and his co-conspirators ridiculed him and forced him out of the Army. And what did Gen. Petraeus say after the man he knew was a complete moron and abject failure as a leader was finally out of office and he could finally deal with a man he respected? He said, "We didn't have the "resources that were necessary" in Afghanistan under Bush but now "we broadly have the inputs right."
The lies and the revisionism on Afghanistan won't work. Too many people know better.
What?!? The teabagging punks aren't Republicans?
"After Vice President Joe Biden said the alternative to a Democratically controlled Congress is the "Republican Tea Party," lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have moved to distance themselves from his remarks."Who the hell do they think they're kidding? Teabaggers are all the sheep who voted for eight years of George Bush and who now are too embarrassed to admit it. They're the same people who sat back and said absolutely nothing while their boy squaundered $100 billion surpluses and left us with trillion dollar deficits, cheerleaded Idiot Boy while he foolishly took us into a needless war and gave us the longest recession ever. I certainly understand why teabaggers want to lie about being Republicans but that shit won't work. At least with anyone with half a brain. They're punks and liars!
Liz Cheney Slams Obama for Terror Attack Quote

Here's the 'remark';
"The prospect of another attack against the United States is very, very real. It’s just as real, in my opinion, as it was September 12. It's not a matter of if, but when."Actually, President Obama didn't say that, Cheney's father, Dickhead did. Here's what Obama said;
"We can absorb a terrorist attack. We'll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever ...we absorbed it and we are stronger."It's always fun making these America-hating assholes look like the double-talking idiots that they truly are.
Fuck 'em, they ain't my kids

"You have to recognize also that I don't think you win this war. I think you keep fighting. It's a little bit like Iraq, actually. . . "
You tell me, should we be fighting wars that we know we won't win? Yeah, I'm sure you'd say that if your son was brave enough, or patriotic enough to sign up.