Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yeah, well, it's true

Carter: My Charity Work Is 'Superior' to Other Ex-Presidents'

Well, what's the problem with that statement? With the exception of Bill Clinton's 'Global Initiative', which has raised $57 billion in commitments since 2005 for the world's downtrodden, Carter's work has been superior. Of course, the other competition is weak. But you already knew that.

Did I say 22%? ... I meant 30%
"A new FoxNews poll, conducted Sept. 18 and released Tuesday, shows Democratic Senate nominee Chris Coons leadng Republican Christine O’Donnell by 15 points, 54 percent to 39 percent. ...Likely voters would have backed Rep. Mike Castle, the moderate Republican who lost to O’Donnell, over Coons by a double-digit margin, 48 percent to 33 percent."
I thanked the teabaggers the other day for nominating the Quitter Mini-Me and giving Democrats a 22% 'swing', but it's actually 30%, so I'll say it again; thanks dumbasses! And, it's a Faux News poll so it's probably more like 40%.

Who the fuck cares about Lady Gaga?

Aren't there more important things to deal with than 'don't ask, don't tell'? And really, who the hell cares what the fuck Lady Gaga has to say? Sing you goofy bitch, and shut the fuck up!