Yesterday when I pointed out how George Bush and all the troop-hating, phony-patriot wingnuts tried to cut our troops' combat pay back in 2003 there was something at that link that caught my eye. The article was from August 2003 - less than two years after 9/11 and it clearly shows how Bush and his minions ignored the real war on terror and those who attacked us;
By the numbersOnly to a teabagger...
U.S. troops in Iraq: 148,000
U.S. troops in Afghanistan: 9,000
(CNN) -- Carl Paladino is a lot of things -- a multimillionaire businessman, lawyer, family man, devout Catholic and a blunt guy. And on Tuesday, he became the New York state Republican Party's gubernatorial candidate...You could only pass yourself off as a 'family man' and a 'devout Catholic' while at the same time peddle pictures of a woman having sex with a horse if you're a Republican teabagger. After all, these are the same shameless assholes whose spiritual guide is a guy who is a four-time married, drug-addicted pedophile.
New rule from Bill Maher
Of course, Maher got it wrong about 'checking out ass'. Well, at least on that occasion..."But now they say he was just faking being Christian for two decades so he could secretly get elected as a Muslim.
Wow, that is one undercover brother. Let me show you some pictures of Barack Obama. He smokes, he drinks beer, he eats hotdogs... and he checks out ass. Let me tell you, if he's a Muslim he stinks at it."
That's right Bubba, not one
Balanced four consecutive budgets without a single Republican vote. The country does better without them."But, yeah, we passed a balanced budget bill, but it was easy to pass the balanced budget bill because 90% of the deficit was reduced by the budget that only Democrats voted for in 1993.."