Do you remember when George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and the Republicans tried to cut the combat pay for our troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan? How about when they made our troops buy their own body armor or when they tried to make them "accept reduced health care benefits for their families" so they could maintain Bush's tax cuts for the top 1% of income earners?'As Iraq winds down, U.S. Army confronts a broken force'
With the U.S. drawdown in Iraq, the Army is finally confronting an epidemic of drug abuse and criminal behavior that many commanders acknowledge has been made worse because they'd largely ignored it during nearly a decade of wars on two fronts. The Army concedes that it faces a mammoth problem.
You know, you bunch of pom-pom waving Chickenhawk punks who pretended to care about our troops but said nothing while the despicable liars who you joyously supported lied us into an unnecessary war and then refused to support them, should be ashamed. But you're not, because you never cared in the first place.