Romney embarrasses himself on foreign policyPoor Mitt, the Mormon Moron - man, I almost feel sorry for the guy sometimes. Romney completely embarrassed himself last Tuesday in an op-ed in the Washington Post and he's had military experts laughing at him all week."In 35 years of following debates over nuclear arms control, I have never seen anything quite as shabby, misleading and—let's not mince words—thoroughly ignorant as Mitt Romney's attack on the New START treaty in the July 6 Washington Post.
Senate Republicans are looking for some grounds—any grounds—to defeat this treaty, which was signed in April by President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitri Medvedev, and which will soon come to the Senate floor for a vote."
Maybe we shouldn't be surprised that Mitt Romney and many others from the 'Party of No', the ignorant dittohead sheep and Glenn Beck's mindless twits are against the New START treaty. I mean, so what if it was unanimously recommended by the Chairman and the Joint Chiefs of Staff? I mean seriously, whose advice on missile defense should the country rely on; Mitt Romney, John Kyl, Sarah 'Quitter' Palin, Liz Cheney, Limbaugh and Glenn Beck or the Joint Chiefs, "the entire defense establishment of the United States — the heads of all the services, the intelligence agencies" and Defense Secretary, Robert Gates? Who do think knows more about the subject, Romney and Palin or Jim Schlesinger, Henry Kissinger, James Baker, and Brent Scowcroft who all support the new treaty?
The Republicans, 'the Party of No' along with morons like Mitt Romney are going to oppose the New START treaty and they are going to do that against the strong recommendations of every military agency in the U.S., and why will they do that? Because they always choose their petty, partisan politics over what's best for the country and they can't stand the thought of Barack Obama receiving the credit he deserves.
But at least now we know the Mormon Moron isn't even close to being ready for primetime. And he's all they got...