Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm all for 'health care rationing'

I was on a 'death panel' once and I chose death with dignity. My dear grandmother died at age 95 on December 22, 2007. She had a wonderful life up until about the last two years of it when she slipped and fell and broke her hip. From the moment she awoke from surgery her life was never the same. The doctors called it 'dementia'. If that was dementia I would have hated to have seen her with Alzheimers.

The first year after her slip and fall wasn't too bad; especially compared to the last year. She initially went to a convalescent home a few blocks from her home that was fairly decent with a staff who seemed to care but she became unruly and they had her transferred to a hell hole in Toledo, Ohio called 'Foundation Park'. I have no problem linking to that despicable place and exposing how miserable they are because that's what they are; despicable and miserable. Their view of care for the elderly is to drug the hell out their patients, strap them to a wheel chair, prop them up in a day room and sit around and wait for their fucking shift to end. Those bitches will all rot in hell.

After a couple of months of her being at that hell hole I demanded to see her health records and I couldn't believe it; along with some other 'life sustaining' drugs they had her on Lipitor, which is the country's leading drug for cholesterol. I couldn't fucking believe it! Here was a woman who no longer knew her name, who couldn't bathe herself, wore a diaper and spent her days strapped to a wheel chair but heaven forbid if she developed clogged arteries and died a 'natural' death. After all, you can't collect the monthly Medicare payment if the patient dies.

Needless to say, after that day my grandmother wasn't on any drugs that prolonged her life. I had the power - I was a 'death panel' - and I chose death with dignity for my grandmother and I don't feel bad. In fact, I know that's the way she would have wanted it, to die naturally. And fuck Foundation Park! They lost a monthly payment.

When progressives talk about rationing health care, they are talking about rationing for people at the end of their lives like my grandmother. Billions of dollars are wasted each year on needless and unnecessary health care costs at the end of life. Of course, that means less money for the health care business and they don't like it.

So to hell with the Sarah Palins and the Michele Bachmanns and their lying and deceitful stupidity on death panels. As usual, those lying, despicable stupid bitches don't know what the fuck they're talking about! But I do; because I've lived it.