Saturday, July 03, 2010

The 'Jones Act'? Of course they're lying
Did Obama turn down foreign offers of assistance in cleaning up the Gulf oil spill? Did he refuse to waive Jones Act restrictions on foreign-flag vessels?

A: No to both questions.

It's way too easy to herd sheep. Just say it enough and they will follow.

What changed besides his lobbyist?

"The only reason the unemployment extension hasn't passed is because Democrats simply refuse to pass a bill that doesn't add to the debt."

I don't get it. It was just last January that all 40 Republican Senators voted against 'PAYGO'. And now we're talking about $35 billion for unemployed Americans. The McConnell Republicans didn't have a problem wasting over $1 trillion in Iraq without paying for it. Nor did they mind when Bush cut another trillion in taxes while he wasted that trillion in Iraq - without, 'paying for it'. And lets not forget the $1.2 trillion the Republicans spent on the 'Medicare Part D Kickback to Big Pharma Act of 2003', that they didn't pay for. Those three situations alone are over $3.2 trillion that was never 'paid for' by Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress - or 10 times as much as what the unemployed need now.

It sure would have been nice if the Mitch McConnells and the sheepish teabaggers would have said something when we were wasting the really big bucks that left us with their trillion dollar deficits.

There couldn't have been four dumber
"Since 1982, the Siena Research Institute has polled presidential scholars on whom they view to be best and worst presidents in American history, based on a variety of issues from “integrity” to economic stewardship. This year’s poll of 238 scholars...rated George W. Bush, "in the bottom five at 39th rated especially poorly in handling the economy, communication, ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence."

Reagan, taxes and the middle class
"In 1980, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, middle-income families with children paid 8.2 percent of their income in income taxes, and 9.5 percent in payroll taxes. By 1988 the income tax share was down to 6.6 percent -- but the payroll tax share was up to 11.8 percent, and the combined burden was up, not down."

I can add. We got screwed...and the bill is coming due.

That fatass Christie is just like Reagan
In fact, according to the state’s nonpartisan Office of Legislative Services, “a retired couple living on a fixed income of $40,000 would see an increase of $1,320 in taxes under the governor’s plan while a family making $1.2 million would receive a tax cut of $11,598.”

Your typical fascist fatass trickle-down loser.

More hypocrisy from JB Sessions III
"In 2009, Congress passed a law named after former Goodyear plant manager Lilly Ledbetter to help ensure that women are not discriminated against on the job. After nearly 20 years working at a plant in Alabama, Ledbetter found out she was being paid far less than her 15 male counterparts and sued. Eventually, the Supreme Court ruled against her. Congress then took up a bill to fight wage discrimination, and President Obama made it the first bill he signed into law. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony from Ledbetter during Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) praised Ledbetter’s namesake bill, congratulating her on “moving the Congress”'.

Yeah, you guessed it...Sessions was one of 23 Senators (all Republicans, of course) to vote against the Lilly Ledbetter Act. Shameless double-talking redneck! -TP

Maybe he should read the Times
On The Day Obama Signs Iran Sanctions Into Law
"And if they make a decision, they don’t stick by it. For example, with Iran. You know, “we’re going to have sanctions! If you guys don’t do this by this date, you’re in trouble!” Ok, the date comes we don’t do anything."

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday signed into law new unilateral American sanctions on Iran that go beyond the penalties imposed by the United Nations last month as he tries to escalate the pressure on Tehran to halt its nuclear enrichment program.

Scott Brown seems like a nice enough guy...dumber than a rock - a little above your average wingnut, but dumb as a rock.

Why is he testifying?
Thursday night the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee against Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

He's a hate-filled, redneck preacher. Why do we care?

Speaking of filled with hate...

Could you please say that again?
'Raise Social Security's retirement age to 70'
"A Republican-held Congress might look to raise the retirement age to 70, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) suggested Monday."

That could be the Republicans' new campaign slogan; "Work Longer, Earn Less". Sure fits their policies.