Sunday, January 31, 2010

...That was last week

Republicans, Deficit Peacocks
Every Republican Senator votes against 'PAYGO'
"One of the hallmarks of the Clinton presidency was its focus on fiscal responsibility. It turned a federal budget deficit into a surplus. One of the tools used to accomplish that was so-called "pay-as-you-go" legislation. It required any new spending be accompanied by a way to pay for it — either new taxes or a corresponding spending cut elsewhere — so as not to increase the deficit. Common sense. This was abandoned during the past Bush presidency, under which government spending rose by 8.4 percent, as compared to a 3.5 percent growth in the Clinton years. President Obama has urged Congress to revive pay-as-you-go as a way to limit future deficit growth. The House passed a bill last year. Last week, the Senate followed through on a 60-40 vote — 60 Democrats yes and 40 Republicans no."
If you know anything about the last 30 years you're very aware of the fact that well over 90% of our $12 trillion national debt is directly attributable to Republican presidents; Ronald Reagan and the two George Bush's. Reagan, laughingly referred to as a 'fiscal' conservative, tripled our nation's debt, Bush Sr. added well over a trillion to it in four short years and of course, George W. added $5 trillion and left us a $1.2 trillion massive crater of a shortfall with his last budget. Republicans are actually 'deficit peacocks', who when it really comes to fiscal discipline they, “like to preen and call attention to themselves, but are not sincerely interested in addressing deficits". And that was proven once again when 58 Senate Democrats and two 'Independents' voted 'yes' and all 40 of the phony-conservative Republicans voted 'no' on doing something about it.

Take no prisoners
Muslim cleric shot 21 times in Dearborn raid
"An autopsy report shows that a Muslim cleric who died in an October shoot-out with federal agents was shot 21 times, then handcuffed, according to a person familiar with the case."

It's a damn good thing they handcuffed him.

Which way do you go?
Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY) sent two press releases out on December 16th — one saying the stimulus had “failed” and the other hailing $1,044,140 in stimulus money for the Carroll County school system.

Obama nailed the chumps on that bizarreness this week.

The Stimulus didn't work?
That's not what economists say

President Obama's stimulus package saved jobs — but the government still needs to do more to breathe life into the economy, according to USA TODAY's quarterly survey of 50 economists. Unemployment would have hit 10.8% — higher than December's 10% rate — without Obama's $787 billion stimulus program, according to the economists' median estimate. The difference would translate into another 1.2 million lost jobs.

And that was before this week's news on the fourth quarter growth in the GDP.

He's kicking our asses ...
... And it's by merely stating the facts. So much for the teleprompter jokes. One thing is for certain, Obama knows the statistical facts and when he shoves them down the throat of some phony-conservative Texas congressman who comically tries to blame him for the trillion dollar plus deficit Bush left us, it sure sets it up for a fun to watch and well-deserved smackdown.