Monday, June 21, 2010

It's way past time to leave Afghanistan

Roberts Gates, a man that I have always admired, seemed to waiver yesterday on our July 2011 date to begin leaving Afghanistan. July 2011 will be three months short of 10 years since we've been there and that's way too long. It's terribly unfortunate that the Bush administration ignored our real war on terror and stupidly invaded a country that wasn't a threat or had anything to do with 9/11. But if we could magically go back in time we would just go back another 10 months before 9/11 and actually count the votes in Florida and rid ourselves of a whole lot of problems; not just Afghanistan.

We need to leave that hell hole. If al-Qaeda and the Taliban regroup after we leave, so what? We have plenty of cruise missiles, drones and whatever else we need to take care of that situation. Bring our troops home!