'Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world'
Well, to be fair, they didn't have George W. Bush either...
And those are the undeniable facts
Bush will haunt us for the next ten years
We will pay for Bush and the pathetic sheep who said nothing for eight long miserable years for the next decade. Wimps like Mitch McConnell and Chris Wallace said nothing while they rang up the $13 trillion debt but now they pretend to be concerned. Too late, assholes! Shut up and get out of the way!"...Even though "virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years" is due to policies implemented under George Bush or to the recession, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities."
What Reagan and the two George Bush's left us with

Remember when Dick Cheney said that 'Reagan taught us that deficits don't matter'? Well, Dickhead lied again. Their failed, phony-conservative policies will now give us 'decades of high unemployment'.
The debt is now at $13 trillion and it is 90%+ directly attributable to Ronald Reagan and the two George Bush's and the chickens are coming home to roost. George W. Bush left us with $3.5+ trillion in spending to go along with a paltry $2.1 trillion in revenue so don't expect Barack Obama to magically come up with an extra $1.4 trillion in revenue or cuts in expenditures.
What people need to do is; don't forget that it is the failed phony conservative Republican policies that got us here so don't put those losers in charge ever again!
Republicans now running and lying

Republicans quickly saw the reaction of the American people when Joe Barton blurted out his apology to BP and showed exactly who the American-hating rightwing in this country sides with. Now the phony bastards are trying to retract what any sensible person knows is how they really feel about our country. Just listen to their spiritual leader, the Limpdick Pedophile and you will know how much they hate America.
Of course the Japs get it, they did all of the work, didn't they?
"Karzai Says Japan Gets 'Priority' On Mining Vast Mineral Deposits"
Oh, 'Japs' isn't a politically correct word? Fuck em!