In fact, it may be the best thing.
You see, not only is the country far better off without Rumsfeld - unquestionably, the worst U.S. Defense/War Secretary in 231 years - but, Robert Gates is a good man.
Gates is not your typical Bush-like partisan Republican crony without conviction or the capacity to choose his country over politics. He's a man who is a thinker, and a man who knows the constitutional process and how a democracy really works.
When Gates was asked yesterday before the House Appropriations Committee if the debate on the war had a negative effect on it, he said no, and in fact said basically the opposite;
"The debate here on the Hill and the issues that have been raised have been helpful in bringing pressure to bear on the Maliki government and on the Iraqis in knowing that there is a very real limit to American patience in this entire enterprise,"As you can see, our Secretary of Defense, the honorable Robert M. Gates, let's it be known that the November elections are paying huge dividends for our country.
Without a Democratic majority in Congress - no debate, no oversight, no Robert Gates, not even a 'surge', just more of the same....Gates knows, too.