Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Few of Us Know the Facts

"Many People Believe The President's Responsible For The Destruction Of Our Country"

Orrin Hatch voted 'yes' on the 'Screw the Middle Class and Give to the Top 1% a Tax Cut Act of 2001'. We had a hundred billion dollar+ surplus then and the CBO was projecting a $710 billion surplus by 2009 but Orrin and his Party gave us a $1.4 trillion deficit instead.

Orrin Hatch voted 'yes' on our $2 trillion senseless, and criminal invasion of Iraq.

Orrin Hatch voted 'yes' for the Republican's 'Trillion Dollar Kickback to Pharmaceutical Companies Act of 2003'. Did you know that that bill was more costly than 'Obamacare'? Of course you didn't -- Fox or Limpballs didn't tell your stupid ass that.

Orrin Hatch voted 'yes' seven times to raise the debt ceiling when his Party and George W. Bush added $6 trillion to our nation's debt and left us with their $1.4 trillion budget deficit. And of course, he voted 'no' when Obama had to raise it earlier this year to pay for their hypocritical, phony-conservative, bankrupting asses.

Orrin Hatch voted 'no' on allowing the government 'to negotiate with prescription drug manufactures for the best possible prescription drug prices'. Geez, I wonder why 50 Republicans voted against that? I thought they liked a 'free-market'. I guess they don't if it effects their campaign contributions.

A lot of people are stupid and forget that it was George W. Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress led by men like Orrin Hatch that took the best economy this country has ever seen and gave us our worst recession in 70 years. I'm definitely not in that category. I know the facts.