Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We haven't done that since...last year
(IsraelNN.com) The US is considering abstaining if the United Nations Security Council votes on a resolution against Israeli construction in eastern Jerusalem, the BBC reported Sunday.

For decades, Israel has depended on the US to veto UNSC resolutions aimed against it. A change in this US policy could be very perilous for Israel.
Of course, as one of the fortunate readers of 'done that', you already know all the recent whining about Barack Obama changing our policy with Israel are just lies and hyperbole from the same old, tired-ass Obama-haters.

Now we have to listen to them lie about our history of abstaining at the UN. Condoleeza Rice abstained on a vote on Israel as recent as January 2009.

So in spite of what the whiny, wimpy wingnut haters try to tell you, you now know better. Barack Obama's policy on Israel isn't any different than any other administration over the last 30 years. They've all slapped the Israelis around when they needed it. We own the Israelis. We've paid them $5-6 billion every year since 1978. That's a $1,000 for every single Israeli multiplied by 32. They need to shut up. We own their asses.