With all the whining this morning about how Obama is throwing the Israelis under the bus on their announcement to continue building settlements I thought I'd dust off some old facts for the ignorant.
originally posted 3/23/10;
Our Secret Muslim will finally stand up to the Israelis

2) "My position is that the foreign policy of the United States says we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem."
3) "I've been very clear about Israel has an obligation under the road map. That's no expansion of settlements."
I listen to Bill Bennett and that little butt-boy, Gary Bauer talk about how shameful it is that Barack Obama is not kissing the boots of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israelis when it comes to building additional settlements. Their implications are clear; of course Barack Obama will be different -- He's a dirty, secret Muslim who will naturally side against Israel.
Hey assholes!! The first quote above is from none other than, Ronnie Reagan himself. The second is from George H.W. Bush and the third, George W. Bush.
I hear and read the same bullshit about Iran all the time. Did Iran just become a problem in the last 14 months or were they a problem way back when Ronnie Reagan was selling them TOW missiles? Shut up you phony bastards!