Sunday, January 17, 2010

In Massachusetts?

Are you kidding me, Massachusetts? Let me ask you, did you ever hear of Mitt Romney? How about Jane Swift or William Weld? Ah forget it, you forgot about Romney so I know you're way too stupid to remember Swift or Weld.

A "referendum on health care"? I sit here this Sunday morning and listen to Mitch McConnell, Bill Kristol, Brit Hume and Ratboy, sorry .. uh, Charles 'the' Krauthammer, keep saying that Scott Brown's race with Martha Coakley for 'Ted Kennedy's senate seat' is a 'referendum on heath care'. I see polls that show the people of Massachusetts are against health care reform, 50%-36%. Well no shit .. and why is that? Because they already have universal health care in Massachusetts where 98% of them have it and 80% of them, love it!

And by the way, Coakley 51%, Brown 49%. But it doesn't matter anyway because Democrats don't need 60 votes to pass their watered-down, insurance lobbied reform bill. They only need 51 -- It's called 'democracy'.