"The U.S. military is now Meals on Wheels. It always is with Democrat presidents"
Oh really, Pigboy? Limbaugh's OxyContin abuse obviously destroyed a little more than just his hearing.
George W. Bush wasn't a Democrat, was he? Do you remember the tsunami that hit Indonesia and Sri Lanka on December 26, 2004? Here's a sentence from the U.S. Department of Defense's website that the Pedophile Pigboy should have included in his show-prep today.
Within days, more than 15,000 U.S. military members were in Southeast Asia assisting relief and recovery efforts under Operation Unified Assistance...How about George H.W. Bush? Certainly the old man had to be a Democrat, too. Here's what history says that Daddy Bush did in his last year in office, 1992.
Toward the end of the Bush administration, the United States sent approximately 25,000 troops to Somalia to assist the United Nations with the distribution of famine relief supplies.It must be nice to have an audience filled with stupid asses that are so ignorant of historical facts.