Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Senator Who Can Count

majority - the number larger than half the total.

The Senate has the votes to pass a healthcare reform bill including a public option, Sen. Tom Harkin said Tuesday.

"I have polled senators, and the vast majority of Democrats — maybe approaching 50 — support a public option. ...I believe we'll have the 60 votes... But once we cross that hurdle, we only need 51 votes for the public option. And I believe there are, comfortably, 51 votes for a public option."

Personally, I'm hoping this phony healthcare reform doesn't pass. It's too watered-down and nothing but a boondoggle for insurance companies so why bother?

But at least Senator Harkin can count and knows that its passage only requires 51 votes and not 60.

After all, there's a shitload of precedence on that.