Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Part revisionism, but mostly just simple ignorance from the Powerline sheep;
"An administration not wholly blinded by ideology might be moved to consider the measures that worked so effectively to bring down unemployment after 1982."
You know, it would be so much simpler to be a wingnut blogger. You can make up your own facts and write anything because their simple-minded audiences aren't smart enough to know any different.

But I'll say one thing about the pathetic wingnuts that visit here. They might be pathological liars who continue lying but they sure can't complain about not knowing they're lying after they do.
Unemployment was 7.4% when Jimmy Carter left office. One year after Reagan took office, unemployment had increased 1.2%, to 8.6%. One year and five months after Reagan took office, in June 1982, it was, 9.6% - higher than it is now. But Reagan wasn't done; unemployment would 'soar' to 10.1% in September 1982, 10.4% in October, 10.8% in both November and December 1982, and didn't go below 10%, until July 1983.