'Obama hails 60th Senate vote'

I don't know what the hell Obama has to hail about. 'Something' isn't always better than nothing. Obama never had the political will to do what we truly need; single-payer, Medicare for all. But he didn't even have the balls to fight for a watered-down public option or a Medicare buy-in. The insurance industry and big pharma and their lobbyists with tens of millions in campaign contributions won. The country lost.
Great job Al, it's about damn time!
Franken shuts down Lieberman

"In my capacity as the senator from Minnesota, I object," Franken said. "Really?" said Lieberman. "OK."
Let's Remind Senile Ol' McGrampy!
After Al Franken slammed spineless Joe Lieberman
McCAIN: I’ve been around here 20-some years. First time I’ve ever seen a member denied an extra minute or two to finish his remarks. … I just haven’t seen it before myself. And I don’t like it.
October 10, 2002 — As the Republican-controlled Senate rushed the debate and foolishly gave George W. Bush authorization to invade Iraq with his trumped-up and bogus intelligence.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator’s time has expired.Thirty-seconds, asshole. Sen. Dayton asked for 30 seconds to debate whether we should stupidly invade Iraq and you objected. That was a mere seven years ago and you can't remember? No, you remember. It's just you and all of the other losers trying hard to forget.
Mr. DAYTON. I ask for unanimous consent that I have 30 seconds more to finish my remarks.
Mr. McCAIN. I object.
The Pork Princess's 'Lie of the Year'
Politifact names "death panels" its "Lie of the Year"

Sarah Palin came in lying like a rug so it's only fitting she'd follow it up as 2009's liar of the year.
Why do they hate our troops?
GOP playing politics with our troops

Do you remember what Republicans said about funding the troops just a few years back? Who are 'traitors' now?
'Pope Goes Green'

Mmmm, that was good ...

The Nebraska Humane Society is seeking a new home for two small dogs that police say fed on their owner's body after he killed himself.
Tree-Hugging Commie Bastards!
Pentagon, CIA Eye New Threat: Climate Change
Global warming is now officially considered a threat to U.S. national security. For the first time, Pentagon planners in 2010 will include climate change among the security threats identified in the Quadrennial Defense Review, the Congress-mandated report that updates Pentagon priorities every four years.
Geez, the Pentagon, the CIA and the Pope?
He's still a Muslim-loving wimp!
Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists
On orders from President Barack Obama, the U.S. military launched cruise missiles early Thursday against two suspected al-Qaeda sites in Yemen, administration officials told ABC News...
That 'wimp' has done more against al-Qaeda in 11 months than the previous fool did in eight years.