Sunday, October 25, 2009

When fools follow other fools
Wingnut smear machine falls for fake Obama quote
"With all of the secrecy regarding the President's academic record, famed Time reporter Joe Klein looked into the records for an upcoming special edition about the President. Klein included several key points in the piece, including his grades and stellar letters of recommendation. However, what has leaked along with this information was the subject of a thesis written by the young Obama while still an undergraduate at Columbia."

"[T]his little boy in college was "writing about [the Constitution] with utter disdain, and he still shares those same feelings."

"There hasn't been a word in the national media about it. It concerns the president's Columbia College thesis. Now, Joe Klein of Time got a hold of 10 whole pages."

"Maybe instead of fuming about words that Rush Limbaugh never uttered, the paladins of the free press might ask the president about words that he did write." - Michael Ledeen

"Obama's political leanings, reflected in these newly released writings from Columbia, leave little wonder as to why he backs dictators, socialists, communists and jihadists. Anyone, anything, except America."

"College Thesis: 'So-Called Founders Didn't Allow for Economic Freedom.' "

"What on earth does this President have to do to get the media coverage he so richly deserves! ...Or maybe a decades old claim that the U.S. Constitution didn't give early Americans liberty but fitted them with the shackles of hypocrisy doesn't deserve some questions..?" - Denis Keohane

The 'source': Time reporter Joe Klein
Friday, October 23, 2009
"A report is circulating among the wingnuts that I had a peek at Barack Obama's senior thesis. It is completely false. I've never seen Obama's thesis. I have no idea where this report comes from--but I can assure you that it's complete nonsense."

It was a hoax...satire. And all the fools above fell for it. Except Klein of course - he didn't say it. But the fools relied on some pimply-faced blogger writing a bullshit story and then spent days culling their sheep with it.

How about some retractions, some apologies, a little humility? Sure, that's going to happen. When Limbaugh realized he got duped he snorted that he, "didn't care if these quotes are made up, I know Obama thinks it."

Yeah, so much for that 'show prep'. And the truth.