Saturday, October 24, 2009

Your Weekend Dose of Reality

It was more like 'Get Smart' George W. Bush told an audience of about 1,000 men and women at the $400-a-seat steak luncheon [in Montreal] that he regretted appearing in front of a “Mission Impossible” sign in 2003 during an address about the Iraq war. Of course, the sign actually said “Mission Accomplished.” Maybe “Mission Impossible” would have been more appropriate.

What an idiot. What an embarrassment. What a disaster.

The sheep are having a party?
Damn, did you know that tomorrow is 'countdown to judgment day'? Yeah, me neither. I guess the teabaggers finally realized how ridiculously stupid and hypocritical they looked to the other 98% of the country.

The feminization of wingnuts
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Men who voted for Republican John McCain in last year's US presidential election saw their testosterone levels fall significantly when they learned he had lost to Barack Obama, a study showed Thursday. Saliva samples collected from 163 men on the evening of the election showed that voters for both McCain and Obama had similar testosterone levels when polling stations closed on the east coast, but the levels in McCain backers fell when Obama was announced as the winner. By contrast, testosterone levels among men who voted for Obama remained stable.

Those testosterone levels are permanently damaged since the whiny chickenshits will never get over it.

You want to buy the 'Rouge'
The most honest, revealing account of the Palin story to appear this fall? You betcha! An alternative, liberal judgment of Sarah Palin's legacy will appear in book stores on November 17, the same day Palin's own autobiography, "Going Rogue: An American Life," hits the shelves. "Going Rouge: An American Nightmare" is the brainchild of Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, editors at the progressive magazine The Nation.

Hilarious and ingenious. And what's up with Palin's book already down to 9 bucks for its hardcover? She might be becoming like those tea parties...

Waterboard those little shits!
GREAT FALLS, Mont. Witnesses say Julie Ann Parish and another aide, Kristina Marie Kallies, abused the autistic child over several months during the 2008-2009 school year. Prosecutors charge that the abuse ranged from a "water boarding"-like technique to making the child eat his own vomit and making him sit for long periods in his soiled underwear. Several other families have come forward with similar concerns of possible abuse.

When the Sheep Followed
Bush's Pentagon used psychological operation on US public
A months-long review of documents and interviews with Pentagon personnel has revealed that the Bush Administration's military analyst program -- aimed at selling the Iraq war to the American people -- operated through a secretive collaboration between the Defense Department's press and community relations offices.

An excellent investigative piece by RAWSTORY that exposes how the Pentagon hired a slew of retired Generals and Colonels as military analysts to sell the invasion of Iraq. And as we all know, unfortunately a country of frightened sheep swallowed, I mean followed.

How's the poor guy make it?
Under a new compensation plan, General Motors CEO Fritz Henderson might see his total earnings increase to $5.5 million -- less cash but more stock.

Just because the taxpayers are paying these guys' salaries how in the world can we expect a guy to make it on a paltry $106,000 a WEEK? It's a damn shame the way Obama is treating these poor guys with our money.

Damn ain't they smart!

"There is a saying that the Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking care of the pennies and the dollars taking care of themselves."

And that's their typical 'news'
That is one of the top-ten. And I know; wingnuts, especially those who watch Fox, can't figure out what's wrong with the chyron. That's why they watch Fox.

Obama is killing the party
Less than one in five voters (19 percent) expressed confidence in Republicans' ability to make the right decisions for America's future while a whopping 79 percent lacked that confidence. Among independent voters, who went heavily for Obama in 2008 and congressional Democrats in 2006, the numbers for Republicans on the confidence questions were even worse. Just 17 percent of independents expressed confidence in Republicans' ability to make the right decision while 83 percent said they did not have that confidence.

Through the misery, Americans are smart enough to remember who drove this country into the ditch. At least 4 out of 5 - almost 5 of 6 Independents - are.

McBush screws consumers
McCain Moves to Block FCC Net Neutrality
McCain's bill, the Internet Freedom Act, seeks to do the opposite of what its name implies by ensuring that broadband and wireless providers can discriminate and throttle certain traffic while giving preferential treatment to other traffic. Basically, those in power or those who pay more will have better access. Apparently we have different definitions of ‘freedom'.

As usual, John McCain, like most Republicans will fight against what's best for consumers as long as their corporate contributors can make a profit by fucking over the public. Shameless piece of shit!

Hit and Run
A 70-foot female blue whale that officials believe was struck by a ship is seen washed ashore on the Northern California coast on Oct. 20 near Fort Bragg.

Man, let's hope that's not true
The Taliban's Heroin Ploy
As the U.S. postpones a decision on Afghanistan, Gerald Posner reports on a new secret weapon in the arsenal of the Taliban and Al Qaeda: getting the Army addicted to their cheap heroin. Forty years ago, the Vietnam War was partly undermined by heroin addiction among U.S. troops. Surely mindful of that, the Taliban and al Qaeda are now using Afghanistan’s bountiful heroin supplies as a tactical weapon. An internal U.S. intelligence report has concluded that the two groups are targeting American troops in an effort to undermine their effectiveness, while raising cash to pay for new recruits and weaponry, a U.S. intelligence official tells The Daily Beast.

Heroin priced at "less than $1 for a day’s supply" could be a huge potential problem for our soldiers and marines. It literally killed us in Vietnam.

Money talks, regardless
US Gives Shell Green Light for Arctic Drilling
Conservationist groups based in Alaska have accused the Obama administration of repeating the mistakes of George Bush after it gave the conditional go-ahead for Shell to begin drilling offshore for oil and natural gas in the environmentally sensitive Beaufort Sea.

Some things just never fucking change.

Typical wingnut hypocrite
Last winter, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) slammed the stimulus on Fox News, telling one of their anchors, “This isn’t a stimulus package, this is a spending package.” The senator even delivered the official Republican response to President Obama’s weekly address on the stimulus, warning ominously that “the federal government is obligating the American people to a similar fate” as that of a family choking under credit card debt. ... Last week, Burr appeared in Bethlehem, North Carolina, to deliver ARRA funds for a $2 million fire station there..

The man is just moralless
Mocks Reports of Children Dying From H1N1
LIMBAUGH: So, and I got this story in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel story and a AP story about Kathleen Sebelius and the vaccines, the body count is in there. The number of children [fake crying] who've died because of H1N1. And what makes it really odd is that it's not children who die from the flu...

Ninety-five children have died from H1N1. That might not seem like a lot to a disgusting pervert who's only concern with children is if they can satisfy his very disturbing obsession with 'child porn', but to normal people that is alarming.

Soupy Sales - Jan. 8, 1926 - Oct. 22, 2009"I left that job for health reasons. They got sick of me."

Soupy Sales explains why a lot of us from that era turned out the way we did. A lot of funny memories. R.I.P Soupy.