Monday, October 26, 2009

Yeah sure, it's worth it

3 NATO Helicopters Crash in Afghanistan, Killing 14 Americans
NATO forces in Afghanistan are reporting that three coalition helicopters crashed in two unrelated incidents Monday, killing at least 11 U.S. troops and three American civilians.

The cause of the crash has not been determined, but NATO officials said they do not believe the helicopter was shot down by insurgents.
U.S. Service Member Killed in Afghan Blast
(AP) A bomb killed an American service member in southern Afghanistan, the U.S. military said Sunday, as Afghan police fired shots in the air to disperse up to 1,000 students protesting a rumor that U.S. troops burned a copy of the Muslim holy book, the Quran.

A U.S. statement said the American was killed Saturday in southern Afghanistan but gave no further details.
Fuck them and their holy book!