Sunday, October 04, 2009

Fire McChrystal & Petraeus!

Ten US soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Ten American troops were killed at the weekend in two surprise attacks that caused alarm in Nato’s US-led coalition.

In one, hundreds of insurgents attacked a pair of isolated outposts in eastern Afghanistan, killing eight US soldiers...
Obviously General McChrystal is in way over his head. Tell me how can McChrystal be in command of the "100,000-strong US and Nato force" and still have our soldiers and marines out manning 'isolated outposts'?

Get that asshole out of there! And take Petraeus with him! We should have a total of 5,000 of our best Special Forces in that entire country and never should there be less than 100-200 of them together patrolling at any time.

McChrystal and Petraeus want our fighting men to be out in the villages playing nice and trying to make friends with the locals. Fuck that. Hunt down and kill al-Qaeda!

Get rid of them incompetent assholes at the top!